Bonrix Software Systems
Mobile Auto Dialer
Auto Dialer and Predictive Dialer for Call Center and Telemarketing Via Mobile and Modems
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1    Bonrix CRM Auto Dialer Android Application
2    Bonrix CRM Auto Dialer Web Application

  Bonrix CRM AutoDialer Web Application
  Manager User name and Password
User Name : demoCRM_Manager
Password : demoCRM_Manager
Staff User name and Password
User Name : DemoCRM_staff
Password : DemoCRM_staff
  Bonrix CRM Auto Dialer Android Apps
Tablet Plus
  Tele-Caller Login
User Name : demo123
Password : demo123   

 Bonrix CRM Auto Dialer Android Application

~: Description :~

* Bonrix CRM with Auto Dialer
* Mobile Auto Dialer system for telecaller supported by powerful cloud based Bonrix CRM
* This Android app is designed for outbound call center where telecaller process bulk leads via Android handset. Bonrix CRM is powerful cloud based leads management software and it has been supported by this Android app which can be used by telecaller for outbound calling using SIM available with Android Handset.
* Each telecaller can view assigned leads after login to Android App
* Telecaller can process leads either in automatic mode or manual mode
* Each followups details get recorded in Central Lead management software -Bonrix CRM
* Voice conversation with end client and telecaller will be recorded and there are facility of real time audio file upload to central repository.
* Lead Status can be changed and lead progress can be monitored from app.
* Android app has facility to generate notification to end client with SMS
* for the Demo use this UserName & Password
Username : demo123
password : demo123

~: ScreenShot :~

~:Bonrix CRM Web Application :~

~: Description :~

Bonrix Calls to CRM is lead capturing Web-Application for Android Tablet and Mobile phones. Where each new call will be registered in Bonrix Web CRM and then call recipient can fill necessary information and save to to right Campaign.

All call will be logged in default campaign and on request it can be moved to right campaign. This one is handy client for capturing call records and leads in form of call. there is also facility for searching leads accross campaign using different parameter.

This utility has one short menu to send reply SMS to caller at the same time when call is going on thus make it easy for recipient to give prompt reply of query and log client details as fast as possible.

Bonrix Calls to Sugar CRM Provides easy to use Bonrix Web CRM client for lead capturing and provide bset integration with Web based Bonrix Web CRM.

~: ScreenShot :~

Login Screen

DashBoard Screen

Info Screen

Graphical Screen

Category Manage Screen

Lead State Manage Screen

Staff Manage Screen

Assign TeleCaller Staff Screen

User Manage Screen

New Message Screen

Contact Wise Message Screen

Compose Message Screen

SMS Template Screen

API Manager Screen

Sent SMS Log Screen

Email Template Screen

Send Email Mail Screen

Contact Mail Screen

Lead Mail Screen

Success & fail Graph Screen

Category Wise Graph Screen

Lead Manage Screen

Assign Lead Screen

Bulk Lead Screen

Customer Lead Screen

Conatc Manage Screen

Pattern Manage Screen

Imap Setting Screen

SMS Via Mobile
Bonrix Software Systems
Mobile Call Conferencing
Mobile Voice Calling
Mobile Recharge System